End NAFTA and CAFTA now!
- by: Sharon Turner
- recipient: George Bush, President of the United States, U.S. Government
NAFTA, CAFTA, and other trade agreements that allow US jobs to go outside of our country is hurting our economy and weakening our sovreignity.
By facilitating and participating in NAFTA, CAFTA, and other trade agreements that allow for conglomerates to take their manufacturing process outside of US borders, and then "import" the products back into the US, America is not only weakening our economy (40% of all automotive and textile jobs are at risk), but threatening our identity and way of life. This bold move, towards a one world government (by creating a "global" economy), goes hand in hand with the "political correctness" that labels anyone who tells the truth a racist, separatist, or worse. The country that our fathers fought for, the freedoms that our children now fight for, are being diluted and watered down, and are soon to be traded for "global economic" reasons. Unless you want to give up your national heritage, and become a state within a new global government, the time is right to stop the movement of jobs to other countries (after all, this is being done, in part, to create parity, economically), and keep them in America. Let business take it's natural course!
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