Save Africa's Last Remaining Rhinos!

1,215 rhinos were killed in South Africa in 2014. This is a 21 percent increase over the previous year (when 1,004 rhinos were poached). The Western black rhino species has been declared extinct and the two other rhino species found in Africa are on the brink of disappearing from the face of the planet. This ruthless killing funds a lucrative black market where poachers make millions of dollars from people who buy the illegally traded rhino horn, falsely believing it can cure cancer and other ailments.
Despite this bleak news, there is a ray of hope. The U.S. government is making moves to list rhinos as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The listing closes a loophole that was being abused by traffickers and strengthens the anti-poaching efforts being undertaken by African governments and conservation partners such as the African Wildlife Foundation.
Don't let poachers drive South Africa's rhinos into extinction. Sign this petition if you agree that illegal wildlife poaching has no place on our planet.
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