Betty is a loveable bull mastiff. She accidentally got off leash a while back and a Brinks security officer shot her in the head, even though she was no threat to him!
The whole thing is caught on tape. Betty walks past the officer and is walking away from him when he decided to shoot her.
This is a tragedy and must be prevented in the future. Sign the demand that SFPD takes the case seriously and that Brink security trains its officers on dealing with dogs.
Betty's owner was not far behind her. Sometimes dogs get off leash and responsible owners hurry to get them back on leash right away. But Betty wasn't even being aggressive! She is moving slowly in the tape, just walking by the guards. Betty didn't know she shouldn't approach the officers. But the officers had the choice on how to deal with her. Shooting her was the wrong choice.
Thank goodness Betty lived through this trauma. But it is still an unacceptable incident. And San Francisco Police Department is not taking it nearly seriously enough. They want to turf the case off the Animal Control, all but ensuring no justice is served for Betty.
Please join me in demanding justice for Betty the bull mastiff!