Save Service in America

The U.S. House of Representatives is considering a proposal that would cut funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service. This would have disastrous effects on American communities, youth unemployment and the economy.

Youth service strengthens communities, builds experience and generates jobs. Student Conservation Association members alone render more than two million hours of conservation service every year in America's parks, forests, refuges and communities. Countless park rangers, wildlife biologists, and environmental educators started their careers with SCA service programs.

Youth service programs tackle a backlog of maintenance issues in national parks and historic and cultural sites. They also provide more than 500,000 jobs for young adults and seniors serving on the front lines of natural disasters.

These are programs we can't afford to lose. Please write to your Congressional representative today and tell them you don't want funding cut for service programs!
Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to express my deep concern for any cuts made to the Corporation for National and Community Service. Service programs are essential to economic recovery and to the health of our communities and wild places.

These programs not only provide a great value for critical work, but they also are critically important for fostering the next generation of workers and patriots in this country.

There are so many reasons why the Corporation for National and Community Service is so incredibly important to this country. Here are just a few:

- It's tackling our biggest challenges. Programs funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service take on our communities' greatest challenges, including increasing access to healthcare and reintegrating returning veterans into civilian life. National service is not secondary to achieving national priorities: it's essential to achieving them.

- It's cost-effective. National service is a cost-effective investment that helps to create jobs, address local issues and sustain struggling communities. In fact, for every federal dollar invested, $2.01 worth of services are provided in return.

- It's creating jobs. Corporation for National and Community Service programs, like AmeriCorps, are a powerful strategy for addressing unemployment, particularly for young adults experiencing the greatest challenges finding work in the current job market. AmeriCorps offers job training, valuable skills and workplace experience at a low cost with no new bureaucracy--and has the potential to transform an individual's career prospects once the economy recovers.

- It's delivering results. If the Corporation for National and Community Service were eliminated, more than 500,000 positions for young adults and seniors serving on the front lines of natural disasters, the dropout crisis and many other community challenges would be eliminated. Nearly 1 million seniors now living independently would suddenly require state-assistance, more than 3 million at-risk children would lose vital educational support provided by service organizations, and $800 million in private investment would be taken away from essential services for local communities.

- It's meeting the need. At a time when local governments can no longer afford to provide needed services to local communities, national service organizations are increasingly filling the gap and meeting the ever-growing needs of Americans in these difficult economic times.

- It's vital to our recovery. It is more important than ever before to make cost-effective investments in our nation's health and economic recovery. That is why now is the time to prioritize funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service.

These are just some of the reasons why service is so important. Please do not cut funding for these programs and leave so many more Americans without work and without assistance.

Thank you for your time.
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