Excommunicate whorish Catholic politicians

George W. Bush and all Catholics who pander to the "God hates fags" crowd by introducing a bill to change the constitution in order to ban gay marriage are guilty of political prostitution and of cynical weakening of the institution of heterosexual marriage, as well as Satanic politics.  Jesus Christ is mercy and love, not a God to be used to bash fags.  The question, "are you saying that God wants us to allow gay marriage in the U.S.?" is a straw man argument.  The point is that the politics of hate have no place in the Christian realm. 

Rudy Giuliani is guilty of political prostitution, adultery, violation of the Church's teachings on divorce, the death penalty, and abortion.  Rudy Giuliani and George W. Bush are guilty of exploiting 9/11 for political gain.  This is the lowest form of political prostitution and fear mongering in the history of U.S. politics.  

Please sign this petition in order to appeal to Pope Benedict to either deny communion to Rudy Giuliani or excommunicate him for political prostitution and poor obedience to the Catholic faith.  

Please sign this petition in order to appeal to Pope Benedict to either publicly reprimand George W. Bush or withdraw the Papal Nuncio from Washington D.C. in protest to his Satanic politics of politcal prostitution and fear mongering.    

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