With only 100 to180 Florida panthers left in the world, the greatest threat to the panther's future is loss of habitat. While the panthers have a safe-haven in the Florida Panther Refuge, the only one of it’s kind, this area and the panthers it protects are still facing potential threats from development, dirty fuel extraction and motorized recreation nearby.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife service is currently deciding how this area will be managed for the next 15 years, now is the time to speak up! The panthers need heroes, more than ever, to speak up and demand a plan that puts the panthers’ home and survival above all other interests, so this iconic big cat can live and thrive without disruption in this increasingly vulnerable landscape.
Now is the time to speak up for this beautiful and endangered American species, your comments can make the difference for the panthers' future!
Dear U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
The Florida Panther Refuge is unique in the National Wildlife Refuge System in that it's mission is the protection of a specific species. I urge you to keep that mission at the core of the updated Comprehensive Conservation Plan.
For the next 15 years, it is important for the refuge to limit recreational uses, and no hunting or off-road vehicles should be allowed in the lands set aside for panthers. The limited recreational uses currently allowed maintain the functionality of the refuge and the intent of protecting panther habitat.
With oil and gas exploration now threatening the western Everglades, I urge you to keep drillers out of the refuge. Enhanced extraction techniques will disrupt the environment and could contaminate the watershed.
Finally, I fully support any attempts to expand the Panther Refuge. With habitat loss the greatest threat to the future of the Florida panther, increasing the refuge's lands will benefit the ecosystem of southwest Florida and numerous other species.
[Your comment will go here]
Please keep the original mission of the Comprehensive Conservation Plan and leave the land for the panthers.
[Your name]