Stop Genetically Engineered Salmon From Reaching Your Plate!
We have until November 22, 2010 to submit comments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) demanding they reject genetically engineered (GE) salmon, and if it is approved, require GE salmon to be labeled.
The FDA is trying to approve GE salmon as a new animal drug, but the truth is U.S. food agencies have not evaluated the impacts of GE salmon on human health or the environment. Worst of all, if these GE salmon are introduced into our food system, under current law, they won't be labeled so consumers won't know what they are buying or eating!
Please sign this petition and urge the FDA to not approve genetically engineered salmon!
I would like to take this opportunity to urge you to reject the approval of Aqua Bounty's Aqua Advantage Salmon. I understand that this comment period is for labeling, but since the public was never given an official opportunity to comment on the approval, I would like to recommend first and foremost, that genetically engineered salmon be rejected.
[Your comment will be inserted here]
The FDA is approving GE Salmon as an animal drug, and this limits public participation in this process. The FDA does not have the capacity to effectively evaluate the safety of genetically engineered animals for human consumption or their impacts on the environment.
Secondly, if genetically engineered salmon are approved for human consumption, I urge you to require them to be labeled as "genetically engineered salmon." Consumers have a right to know that these fish are different from other salmon, both wild caught and farmed, in terms of nutrition and environmental impacts of production.
If these fish are on the market, I need the information provided by a label to make an informed choice.
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