The Mic 92.1, Madison WI

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Please take a moment to add your comments to the market survey to help demonstrate the market viability of Progressive Talk Radio in Madison:

Thank you for your donations which will be put to good use!

I am leaving the petition up. I printed 5,253 of your signatures and wonderful comments and delivered them to Clear Channel's Madison office. Thanks, again, for your help and support. It was because of you that we were successful in changing Jeff Tyler's mind! -- Val

Check out to help other stations around the country save their progressive talk formats!

Clear Channel is once again changing the format of one of their best radio stations, this time it's the Mic 92.1. This station features progressive talk show hosts such as Stephanie Miller, Al Franken, Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, and Lee Rayburn. The Mic has been a forum where Madison residents and groups can discuss important issues such as animal rights, abortion, veteran issues, cleaning up government, etc. It is a valuable resource that Madison cannot lose because Clear Channel wants to broadcast more "coverage of local high school and collegiate sports."

Clear Channel needs to hear how much we love this station! They need to know that we appreciate the freedom the hosts have been given and that we value the chance we have to discuss issues we really care about even when the popular media is not covering them.

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