Dear President Bush -
I am writing to express my concern over your proposal to eliminate the tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance to pay for tax code simplifications. While I understand the need to encourage economic growth, I do not want to see working people lose their health insurance simply to give more tax breaks to wealthy Americans.
I would like to see strong proposals from your administration to both guarantee quality, affordable health care for all Americans and to encourage strong economic growth. These two goals are not mutually exclusive.
There are 45 million uninsured people in America - 8.5 million of the uninsured are children. There is a very real health care crisis in our country. But eliminating tax incentives for businesses that provide insurance to their employees does nothing to address this crisis.
Please keep the tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance in place until we have true healthcare reform that ensures quality, affordable health care for all Americans, not just the wealthy few.
Thank you for considering my comments,
[Your name]