Jason Brown tortured and killed 7 dogs. He got Fernell and Mcgee off a Craigslist add, promised the family he would take good care of them!! I'm teaming with Nevada Voters for Animals asking you to sign this petition!! We want the maximum amount charged per animal and NO PLEA DEALS!!!
Jason Brown who's been accused of dismembering five dogs at a Super 8 Motel in Reno faces an additional charge of willfully torturing a sixth dog at another local hotel, according to court documents. Jason is accused of stabbing, beating, dismembering their heads, legs, penis and ears, stomping on them and skinning them.The police also found a video he made torturing another dog at a different hotel. When a friend asked him if killing animals satisfies him, he said, "Animals are good enough for now." Police found Fernell and McGee's heads in the refridgerator along with dog legs, the skins of puppies and more. Click on court documents of the police report below.
News article from Oct. 13 2014 http://www.rgj.com/story/news/crime/2014/10/13/reno-man-dog-killing-cases-faces-status-hearing/17210917/
Jason Brown, 24, is now accused of nine felony counts of torturing or maiming and killing an animal and two counts of possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine.
His bail has been raised to $70,000 cash, up from $35,000,because it went from 5 dogs to now, 9 dogs! Washoe County Deputy District Attorney Derek Dreiling said video evidence of a sixth dog that was tortured and killed was recently found taken at a different hotel.
Jason Brown tortured these innocent creatures. It is known he got 2 Chihuahuas off of a "FREE TO GOOD HOME ADD OFF CRAIGSLIST!" Their names were Fernell and McGee. RIP sweet babies. Many of us that are animal activists know that that is the worst way to find a home, but a trusting woman who doesn't know that sociopaths get animals this way trusted Jason Brown, and thought they were going to a good home. She is so devastated of what happened to them she will not talk with the media. She has been traumatized by this monster. This is another reason of why you should NEVER SALE AN ANIMAL ON CRAIGSLIST!!! Please don't persecute the woman that gave her dogs away to what she thought was a good home. Many people trust to much and don't realize the crazies that troll these adds. In the link below is video news footage of what happened and a photo of Jason Brown. (The picture in the petition is Fernell and McGee, two of the dogs tortured and killed by Jason Brown)
Read about Cooney's Law click on the link below.
Petition letter to the District Attorny
Give Jason Brown the maximum time for the animals he tortured and killed! This monster needs to spend as long as possible behind the walls of a jail cell!! Next time he'll be killing humans! Jason Brown knew what he was doing was wrong, that's why he asked the maid NOT to go in his room, he didn't want to get caught and did this in secret. He may have an evil mind, but he's not considered insane since he knew exactly what he was doing, and knew it was againts the law! So please do whatever you can to give him the maximum time.
Cooney's Law went into effect on Oct. 1 2011, it's a law that makes it a felony to unjustifiably mutilate, torture, maim, starve or kill an animal. Jason should be charged the maximum amount per dog that he tortured and killed. 5 years per dog. You must follow Cooney’s Law, that's why it's a law, so evil people like Jason Brown will be locked up. I'm teaming with the "Nevada Voters for Animals" asking you to please follow this law.
In the past, with the case of Puppy Doe, the dog who was left to starve and freeze to death in a crate behind a Reno hotel should of been charged as a felony, but was only charged as a misdemenor. This shows me that the District Attorney at he time is relunctant to take animal abuse cases seriously. The people of Nevada and across the world are asking you to take this seriously and charge Jason Brown with the maximum amount per animal, NO PLEA DEALS! People from outside of the Reno Nv. area would like to let you know that we will not be visiting any time soon to your city if people like Jason Brown get off easy on a plea deal, we will stay away from Washoe County. So please do what is safe for the public, and what is just for these innocent animals who only wanted to be loved.
Give Jason Brown the maximum time for the animals he tortured and killed! This monster needs to spend as long as possible behind the walls of a jail cell!! Next time he'll be killing humans! Jason Brown knew what he was doing was wrong, that's why he asked the maid NOT to go in his room, he didn't want to get caught and did this in secret. He may have an evil mind, but he's not considered insane since he knew exactly what he was doing, and knew it was againts the law! So please do whatever you can to give him the maximum time.
Cooney's Law went into effect on Oct. 1 2011, it's a law that makes it a felony to unjustifiably mutilate, torture, maim, starve or kill an animal. Jason should be charged the maximum amount per dog that he tortured and killed. 5 years per dog. You must follow Cooney’s Law, that's why it's a law, so evil people like Jason Brown will be locked up. I'm teaming with the "Nevada Voters for Animals" asking you to please follow this law.
In the past, with the case of Puppy Doe, the dog who was left to starve and freeze to death in a crate behind a Reno hotel should of been charged as a felony, but was only charged as a misdemenor. This shows me that the District Attorney at he time is relunctant to take animal abuse cases seriously. The people of Nevada and across the world are asking you to take this seriously and charge Jason Brown with the maximum amount per animal, NO PLEA DEALS! People from outside of the Reno Nv. area would like to let you know that we will not be visiting any time soon to your city if people like Jason Brown get off easy on a plea deal, we will stay away from Washoe County. So please do what is safe for the public, and what is just for these innocent animals who only wanted to be loved.
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