Stand Up for Science - Admit Climate Change is Real
Climate change is real and scientists warn that its impacts are only going to get worse.
But that doesn't stop politicians - including Mitt Romney - from dismissing the science as a liberal conspiracy and global warming as a plot to destroy the economy. Romney used to believe in global warming. But now he says, "We don't know what's causing climate change, and the idea of spending trillions and trillions of dollars to try and reduce CO2 emissions isn't the right course for us."
Sign here if you support a government that relies of facts and science to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature and the climate.
Subject: Climate Change is Real
Dear Lawmaker or Candidate for Office,
I demand that you admit that climate change is real and that we need to start doing something about it. If you don't, you can expect to hear more from Americans like me who will not tolerate misinformation from our leaders.
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