Toma Acción: Speak Up and Demand More Solar Energy!
The benefits of solar power are much stronger than any luchador. But Big Polluters are trying to block the development of clean energy everywhere. Help us fight back for our economy, our children, our climate, and a healthier future para todos nosotros.
The growth of the solar industry is fueled by the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which is set to expire at the end of 2016. Congress has yet to renew the tax credits, and Big Oil is doing everything it can to keep the ITC from being renewed because clean energy threatens polluters' bottom lines.
We can't allow the progress we've seen come to a screeching halt because of Big Oil and other polluters' greed. Send an urgent message to Congress telling them to support the ITC extension.
Dear Member of Congress,
The growth of the solar industry is driven in large part by the Investment Tax Credit. We can't let this crucial tax investment expire. This energy boom is helping us gain energy independence while reducing our reliance on fossil fuels that threaten our health and our climate. For the sake of good jobs and the health of our families and our planet, please grant a multi-year extension of the ITC.
[Your name]
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