Tell Taiwan's Government: Save Elephants and Ban The Ivory Trade

Africa's elephants are in crisis, with the number lost to poaching exceeding 30,000 a year.
Sadly, these majestic animals are killed to feed the demand for unnecessary ivory trinkets. This is driving a beloved species toward extinction and undermining the African economy as one of its primary tourism drivers disappears.
The African Wildlife Foundation, our followers, and the worldwide conservation community have already persuaded numerous governments to ban their domestic ivory trade.
Now it's Taiwan's turn. A total ban would support the resolution reached by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) COP 17 to prohibit all ivory trade. It would also prevent wildlife traffickers from using Taiwan’s legal ivory trade as cover for transporting other wildlife contraband.
Africa's elephants are in serious trouble. We must take action today to ensure our children and our children's children will be able to appreciate healthy populations of wild elephants long in the future.
Sign the petition and tell Taiwan to join the worldwide movement to protect elephants and set an example for others in the region to follow.
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