Deadly and reckless Navy training exercises—including surface-to-air gunnery, missiles, underwater explosions, and mid-frequency sonar—will needlessly kill and injure marine life from Hawai'i to California over the next four years.
Help us call on President Obama to force the Navy to protect marine animals now, before it's too late.
Earthjustice is waging an emergency battle in court to force the Navy to avoid needless harm to endangered whales and other species. But we need your help to put additional pressure on President Obama.
Mid-frequency sonar can be deadly, disrupting whale migration, breeding, nursing, breathing, and feeding—and in some cases causing internal hemorrhaging and ruptured eardrums.
Imagine someone taking an air horn and blasting it directly into your ear. Now turn the volume up twice as high. That's the sound level that endangered whales and other marine mammals could experience during this training.
We can't let this continue for four more years.
Tell President Obama to conduct training in a responsible manner and restrict dangerous activities in areas that are critical to marine mammals at the greatest risk of permanent injury and death.
Dear President Obama,
Military training is important to our national security--but it can and should be conducted in a manner that prevents harm to endangered wildlife.
I am writing to urge you to update the five-year plan by the U.S. Navy for testing and training activities off Hawai'i and Southern California to conduct naval warfare training in a responsible manner and restrict dangerous activities in areas that are critical to marine mammals at the greatest risk of permanent injury and death.
[Your comment will be added here]
The Navy and National Marine Fisheries Service estimate that, over the plan's five-year period, training and testing activities will cause nearly 9.6 million instances of harm to whales, dolphins and other marine mammals. The operations will include active sonar and explosives, which are known to cause permanent injuries and deaths to marine mammals.
Ocean mammals depend on hearing for navigation, feeding, and reproduction. Scientists have linked military sonar and live-fire activities to mass whale beaching, exploded eardrums, and even death. In 2004, during war games near Hawai'i, the Navy's sonar was implicated in a mass stranding of up to 200 melon-headed whales in Hanalei Bay, Kaua'i.
Please update the plan immediately, to prevent any more unnecessary harm to endangered whales and other ocean animals before it's too late.
[Your name]