Stop our Public Lands from Disappearing

America’s parks, forests, mountains, deserts, and plains support millions of jobs and help keep our air and water clean and healthy. They're where we go to find inspiration, connection, and adventure. And they are where America's unique story is best told.
In spite of the growing importance of these shared spaces to families from all walks of life, public lands are facing an unprecedented threat.
Powerful politicians are working in statehouses and the halls of Congress to convert public property to private profit. The lands we share are under attack from all sides:
· Federal legislation proposes the transfer of public lands to individual states—who could auction them off to the highest bidder.
· State legislation looks to expand drilling, mining, and logging on public lands—closing them off to everyday Americans.
· In states where voters have approved taxpayer dollars specifically for conservation, officials are instead using the money for other programs.
· Politicians are threatening to dismantle the nation’s most important source of conservation funding, the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
The special interests behind these efforts are powerful—but we're not giving up. In our nearly 45 years in conservation, The Trust for Public Land has helped communities across the country protect the places they care about most.
Join us in standing up for the public lands we all share. Sign your name today!
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