Help Ban Bullfighting

  • by:
  • recipient: President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Every year 250,000 bulls die slow and torturous deaths as a result of the bullfighting industry. While many of us imagine the matador piercing the heart of the bull with one quick movement, in reality the bull is repeatedly stabbed, skewered and slowly weakened as it bleeds to death.

The gruesome killing of hundreds of thousands of bulls is done in the name of entertainment and has no place in our modern society. It is time to update this outmoded tradition and start treating animals more humanely.

Sign the petition and show your support in abolishing the cruel and barbaric sport of bullfighting.

Dear President Zapatero,

I am writing today to strongly urge you to support the ban on bullfighting. As you are well aware, there is a growing condemnation of bullfighting not only in Spain, but around the world. Bullfighting is both cruel and inhumane and I am one of the millions of people throughout the world that is calling for its abolition.

Bullfighting is an outmoded and barbaric form of "entertainment" that has no place in our modern society and needs to be stopped. Moreover, the vast majority of Spaniards and the rest of the world condemn bullfighting and the mass killing of animals.

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The current animal protection laws ban the killing and mistreating of animals in shows except in the case of bullfights. This antiquated law needs to be updated and revised so that we can effectively end the killing of hundreds of thousands of animals in the name of entertainment.

Bullfighting is a merciless and torturous form of entertainment and I strongly urge you to take a stance in ending animal cruelty by supporting the ban on bullfighting today.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments. I eagerly await your response.
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