PM Trudeau: Keep Your Promise, Don't Let the NEB Rubber-Stamp Dangerous Pipelines!

This past October PM Trudeau made an election promise that he would fix our broken regulatory regime for oil pipeline and tanker projects.
But now, when the environment needs it most, he's backtracking on that promise by allowing reviews of the Energy East and Kinder Morgan Trans-Mountain pipelines to continue through a broken National Energy Board (NEB) review process.
We cannot continue to let the NEB rubber-stamp environmentally devastating projects.
It's time for PM Trudeau to halt these broken review processes and overhaul Canada's approach to environmental assessment to ensure decision-making is guided by scientifically rigorous evidence and the voices of individuals, communities and First Nations who face the environmental consequences of projects like this.
That's not the kind of process the Energy East and Kinder Morgan Trans-Mountain pipeline has been through. In fact, in their final oral argument in the NEB review, Kinder Morgan suggested that the 7-fold increase in tanker traffic that their project would enable could be a long-term "benefit" to the endangered southern resident Killer Whale.
It's obvious oil companies like Kinder Morgan will not be looking out for the best interests of the environment or Canadians.
Speak up before final arguments in the Kinder Morgan NEB review resume on January 18th. Add your name to tell PM Trudeau, Ministers Carr and Mackenna we need a comprehensive review that includes a climate test and First Nations as decision makers.
Dear PM Trudeau and Ministers Carr and Mackenna,
I do not have confidence in the National Energy Board's environmental assessment of Kinder Morgan's proposed pipeline and tankers project, or any recommendations that it will make about the project. Please uphold your election promise to subject the proposal to a comprehensive review that includes a climate test, the meaningful participation of all members of the public, and includes First Nations as decision-makers.
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