Over the last 27 years, thirteen dolphins have died at the Mirage Casino’s Dolphin Habitat. And the ones that somehow manage to survive often exhibit signs of stress and suffer from skin disease. Here, the dolphins are forced to do tricks for onlookers and paint for tourists who pay big bucks for a chance to see these beautiful creatures up close. But dolphins aren’t toys, they are highly sentient beings that shouldn’t be used as props for our entertainment. And they definitely shouldn’t be under the roasting sun of the Las Vegas desert!
This year, two cities stood up against dolphin cruelty and banned dolphins in captivity. In March, Vancouver voted for the ban after two of its beluga whales died late last year. And last week, Mexico City officials - in a unanimous decision -did the same. Cities and their citizens are now defending the rights of their finned friends and refusing to harbor dolphin abuser.
With a horrible track record and dire conditions
the Mirage Dolphin Habitat must be shut down and the animals should be sent to a sanctuary. The best and most responsible way to do so is for Las Vegas to join Vancouver and Mexico City by passing a ban on the display of dolphins and other cetaceans.
Let’s ask Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman and the rest of the LV City Council to roll the dice for animal rights and end dolphin captivity now. Sign the petition.