End Plans to Construct the Northern Gateway Pipeline!

  • by: Care2.com
  • recipient: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
The Enbridge oil company has proposed building a pipeline that runs from the Alberta oil sands to the west coast of Canada. The Northern Gateway Pipeline would uproot the many aboriginal communities that currently live where it would be built. It would also put the health and quality of life for Canadians in neighboring communities at stake.

This pipeline would also be devastating for the environment. Oil pipelines destroy wildlife habitats and release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The impact is not only local, but national, and in the case of greenhouse gases, worldwide.

The Northern Gateway Pipeline is mostly being built not in the interest of Canada, but in the interests of nations who the oil will be exported to. Endangering Canada's environment and people so that foreign investors may profit isn't worth the damage.

Tell Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Don't let the United States and Asia use Canada as their oil field at the expense of our people and environment!
Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

I am writing to express my deep concern for the prospective plans to build the Northern Gateway Pipeline. While I acknowledge that the pipeline would bring in revenue to the state, the social and environmental costs of the oil would cause drastic, irreversible damage on the country.

Building this oil pipeline would mean uprooting the many indigenous communities that currently call those regions home. In addition, the pollution is of great concern to the cities and towns that would surround the areas where the pipeline would be built. The health and quality of life for many Canadians are at stake.

This pipeline would also be devastating for the environment. Oil pipelines pollute lakes, rivers, and watersheds. In addition, they also destroy wildlife habitats and release large amounts of greenhouse gases. The impact is not only local, but national, and in the case of greenhouse gases, worldwide.

The Northern Gateway Pipeline is mostly being built not in the interest of Canada, but in the interests of nations who the oil will be exported to. Endangering Canada's environment and people so that foreign investors may profit is not worth the damage.

[Your comments here]

Don't let the United States and Asia use Canada as their oil field at the expense of our people and environment. I urge you to end the plans to build the Northern Gateway Pipeline. It is time we focus on reducing our reliance on oil. Thank you for your consideration.

[Your name here]
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