To produce foie gras – or ‘fatty liver’ – ducks are confined in cages and force fed. This has been proven to be cruel, and is clearly illegal in Europe. And, yet, the European Commission continues to take no action.
Enough is enough. For years, animal welfare organisations have provided the Commission with a wealth of scientific evidence, detailed briefings, and formal complaints on the illegality of foie gras production. It is unacceptable for the Commission to prevaricate while tens of millions of animals suffer each year.
A new Commission recently took office in Brussels. And that new Commission has a new President. He needs to know, as he begins his five year tenure, that the production of foie gras is completely unacceptable.
You can help Compassion in World Farming and other animal welfare organisations break the stalemate on foie gras with your signature. Please sign the letter to the Presidents of the European Commission and the EU Agriculture Council today.
Please, once and for all, will you take urgent action on illegal foie gras production in the EU:
- Force feeding (which scientific evidence shows causes unnecessary suffering and injury) is incompatible with your own regulations which prohibit: “[providing] food or liquid in a manner ...which may cause unnecessary suffering or injury.”
- Individual cages are illegal but many are still in use. What is more, the group cages that are being used to replace them, in many instances, do not comply with the Council of Europe Recommendations for space and bedding.
It is unacceptable for the Commission to prevaricate while tens of millions of animals suffer illegally each year. Yet despite a wealth of evidence, formal complaints and countless hours of lobbying effort nothing has changed. So I am asking you personally, as Presidents of the Commission and EU Agriculture Council, to insist upon rapid action.