Critical coastal estuaries could face devastating consequences for birds if the oil industry is successful in expanding its operations in Grays Harbor in Washington state -- a site visited by hundreds of thousands of migrating shorebirds every year. Three proposed new oil terminals would store roughly 91 million gallons of toxic crude, most of it for export to China. Our birds rely on this Pacific coast estuary to rest and refuel during migration. One oil spill would devastate this fragile marine ecosystem.
Take action today to oppose the development of oil terminals in Grays Harbor.
NOTE: Your comments will become part of the public record.
To whom it may concern:
The findings in the DEISs for Westway and Imperium oil terminal proposals in Grays Harbor show that the risks of oil spills cannot be fully mitigated and the environmental damage to marine habitat and wildlife could be significant. Similar findings exist for waterway contamination, train accidents, increased train and oil tanker traffic, air pollution, noise, harmful impacts on tribal culture and resources, and vehicle delay at railroad crossings.
Due to these numerous and enormous risks, I ask that you reject the Westway and Imperium oil terminal proposals.
Grays Harbor is a site of hemispheric importance to birds. Surrounded by six Important Bird Areas, Grays Harbor is host to hundreds of thousands of resident and migrating birds that rely on this Pacific Coast estuary. Several species protected under the Endangered Species Act are likely to be harmed by these projects, including the Marbled Murrelet, Snowy Plover, and Streaked Horned Lark.
Recent research by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife shows that the Pacific population of the Red Knot uses the North Bay of Grays Harbor almost exclusively as its one refueling site during its long spring migration from Mexico to breeding grounds in Alaska and beyond. One oil spill could have devastating effects on this species' survival. Furthermore, the cumulative release of toxic chemicals and oil leaks is known to have negative effects on endangered salmon and other small fish upon which birds rely.
There are better ways to meet our energy needs. Washington state should continue to lead the nation on safe, renewable clean energy solutions and say no to more oil and coal. Building more infrastructure for yesterday's energy would be moving in the wrong direction.
I support the protection of Grays Harbor, its marine life, and its people, and urge you to reject the proposed Westway and Imperium oil terminals.
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