Canada is the only country that allows Polar Bear Trophy Hunting..

  • by: Sameer Karkal
  • recipient: Department of the Environment, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

The most immediate threat is hunting. Over 1000 polar bears are hunted annually! This prevents the Polar Bear population from increasing to a healthier number. Canada is the only nation in the world that allows Polar Bear hunting by non-natives and non-citizens. (Polar Bears also live in Alaska, Russia, Greenland, & Norway) Canada sells polar bear hunting licenses to trophy hunters. The main problem with this is that 60% of Polar Bears reside in Canada.

The Canadian government are paying hunters for Polar Bear hides! The government pre-pays hunters for the hides of bears shot in this subsistence hunt, and then sells the hides at auction for up to $11,000 (which also goes to the hunter), it blurs the line between a subsistence hunt and a commercial hunt.

Polar Bears are protected under national law and international treaty, so Canada’s Polar Bears can only be harvested by Inuit hunters for subsistence, OR by trophy hunters guided by Inuit.

The major threat for Polar Bears in Canada is the commercial hunt. Canada is the ONLY nation in the world that allows Polar Bear hunting by non-natives and non-citizens trophy hunters. Why? The answer is easy: MONEY! Pure greed for profit! Canada charges 750 Canadian dollars per Bear!

Allowing hunting by non-natives and non-citizens and selling hunting licenses to trophy hunters creates a bloody business where radical hunters sell hunting tours to Canada and kill Polar Bears. The hunt of one male Polar Bear is offered for 35.000 $ and as we know there are enough rich people who book these tours to get their trophy! There is also an increase in polar bear skin sales!

By booking one of these horrifying tours, the trophy hunters are allowed to go to 5 or 6 day hunting trips in which they chase polar bears with several dogs and after a long chase, when the Polar Bear is exhausted from running, he stops to finally try to make the dogs that are surrounding him go away, at which point the hunter gets closer and shoots several arrows (!!!) until he is finally dead. This means pure torture for the Polar Bear. Cruelty on animals can not be worse than this.

Tell the Canadian government to stop the legal slaughter of one of the highest endangered species in the world. We are horrified and shocked that you sell the life of one of the most majestic and beautiful animals in the world to hunting tour operators like: or

The estimated value of the polar bear trophy hunt in Nunavut, as
noted above, is $1.5 million CAD a year. Thus, the estimated value
of the polar bear trophy hunt is equal to one-tenth of one percent
(0.1%) of the GDP of Nunavut.....

 Environment Canada
 Ministry of Agriculture
 Environment Canada Inquiry Centre
 Environment Canada National Office
 Species at Risk Public Registry
 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
 Minister of the Environment, Peter Kent
 Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada





Dear [Decision Maker],

Respected Ministers,

I have learned that Canada is the only nation in the world that still allows Polar Bears to be killed by trophy hunters and for the commercial trade in their skins. Canada sells Polar Bear hunting licenses to non-natives and non-citizens trophy hunters. That creates a bloody business where radical hunters sell hunting tours to Canada and kill Polar Bears in the most horrible way.

Even Polar Bears in the seven Canadian sub-populations with declining population trends and very small population sizes are hunted. Hunting quotas are not based on scientific data and are being increased in the face of population decline.

Polar bears are already highly threatened by climate change and pollution. Their populations cannot sustain additional pressure from commercial hunting. I urge you to ban the unsustainable cruel hunting of Polar Bears and to ensure that such a ban is strictly enforced. Before it is to late!

We the undersigned petition you to stop the legal slaughter of one of the highest endangered species in the world. We are horrified and shocked that you sell the life of one of the most majestic and beautiful animals in the world to hunting tour operators like: or

Thank you for considering this request.

Sameer Karkal


United Arab Emeirates.

Update #310 years ago
Who say Canada has stopped supporting trophy hunting of polar Bears and Brown Bears , They are still Company running there business for trophy hunting..Look at this websites..
and the names go on..
Please my friends, Keep sharing this petition, we need more and more signs to target the government.. I am so great full to each and everyone who is supporting me in this fight...
Update #210 years ago
Check this below website , they are many like this.. but just sharing one...

How can the government allow such things happening... Are they getting benefited from it?

Please share this petition as much as you can, please all to sign and lets take step to save them and stop trophy hunting...

thanks\ sameer karkal
Update #110 years ago
Canada is the only country that allows for the international commercial sale of hides of polar bears killed by indigenous hunters, and is the only country that allows polar bear trophy hunting.
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