Call to Investigate Alleged Capital Crimes Committed by Bush Administration.

We are petitioning for an investigation to establish if the Bush Administration intentionally delayed the capture of Osama Bin Laden in order to justify the invasion of Afghanistan.

If true, this would mean members of the Bush Administration are guilty of a capital crime (dereliction of duty) or high treason.

An independent investigation should establish the real history and may help prevent future administrations from creating fraudulent wars resulting in great loss of life in the future.

On September 21, 2001, ten days after 9/11 a sting operation against Osama Bin Laden was launched by a branch of U.S. intelligence with the help of Saudi operatives. It was to be a two-part affair.

Part 1 was the taping of Bin Laden describing the 9/11 attack.

Part 2 was to be his capture or elimination.

Why was he not captured immediately after confessing? If Bin Laden was captured instead of being only taped, the Bush administration would have had no domestic or international support to invade Afghanistan.

On September 26, 2001, ten days prior to military operations in Afghanistan, Part 1 was successfully conducted and we have seen the result; Bin Laden shown on tape confessing. (The Observer: 
Bin Laden videotape was result of a sting).

For Part 1, intelligence had about 4 days advance notice of the meeting where the taping took place; about 24 hours advanced notice of its location, and knew that Bin Laden was going to be there for more than 3 hours; all squandered in favor of taping only.

On November 2, 2001. Part 2 failed due to bad weather. A person from the sting team was left behind to alert Special Forces of Bin Laden's return to the village where his family and favorite son Hamza lived. The operative had alerted the Special Forces but the operation failed due to freezing rain.

On December 13, 2001, the tape was released, as a result of world pressure for proof, especially from an Arab street irate (BBC News) at the level of civilian casualties during the month of Ramadan.

Once released, The Bush administration tipped their hand and revealed to Bin Laden how close American intelligence services were to him (capturing him) and exposed the possibility that the entire taping location was under their control; no one would ever get close to him again.

The failure to capture Bin Laden on September 26 can be considered dereliction of duty in time of war.

The release of the tape, a highly sensitive by-product of a failed intelligence operation, for the purpose of appeasement and in support of a policy of aggression to the detriment of national security is high treason.

The crime is detailed in two articles
Osama's Confession; Osama's Reprieve"...By Maher Osseiran, Aug. 21, 2006
Is it high treason or just a simple case of dereliction of duty?"...By Maher Osseiran, Jan. 11, 2007

You may contact 
Maher Osseiran for any questions.

As early as Nov. 9, 2005, information used for the first article was transmitted by Maher Osseiran to Patrick Fitzgerald. By Jun. 3, 2006. Patrick Fitzgerald had received all material contained in the first article.

The material in the second article were transmitted the second week of January, 2007, under the heading "crime uncovered while acting as a journalist", to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and to
the democrat judiciary committees in House and Senate, also to the three attorneys general of CT, NJ, and NY, and selected congressmen and senators.

The majority of the responses were acknowledgements of receipt and only TWO distinct responses.

One Sr. congressional staffer said:"this is not going to work for us", a crime cannot be treated like a sport jacket.

The other Sr. Staffer was appriciative of the material and encouraged us to procede with the petition.

It seems nothing will happen without the people applying pressure.

This petition is calling for an investigation by an independent prosecutor.

There is no time to waste. This petition will expire in a month. Please sign the petition and send this link to others interested in truth and peace.

After you read the articles, you may choose to act on your own by emailing or calling your senators and congressmen via U.S. Capitol Switchboard (the phone number is (202) 224-3121 locally or toll-free 1-800-962-3524 nationally).

Honorable John Conyers, Jr.

The judiciary committee is in receipt of information that alleges that a capital crime was committed by the Bush administration.

As detailed in an article by Maher Osseiran, "Is it high treason or just a simple case of dereliction of duty?", the alledged crime falls between dereliction of duty in time of war and high treason.

In that article, and a previous one "Osama's Confession; Osama's Reprieve" a timeline of events and an investigative roadmap are given for an investigator to quickly reach a resolution.

Considering the seriousness of the allegations, it is imperative that the Judiciary Committee investigates those allegations or request the appointment of a Special Prosecutor or someone with similar authority to perform such an investigation.
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