Petition to ban HPV Legislation

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We the people understand, that Texas Repulican Gov. Rick Perry and his affiliates wants to require and move to put into effect a new law that governs our children's health, best interests, concerns and possible future fates before allowing enough time for the drug to show any further, maybe vital side effects. It is our further understanding he mandated an ORDER bypassing legislation Feb. 2, 2007 that beginning September 2008 mandates female children approx. ages 9-26 to receive such vaccine GARDASIL.

We ask a law be implied by The President to safeguard against any breaches of any amendment of our Constitution with punishment to the offender.

Furthermore we ask if this law is adopted by any state, we ask to move to strike the law began in TEXAS and bypassed Texas legislation, and was not properly put into effect, nor allowing citizens of the U.S.A. the right to vote on such law within or outside the TEXAS state.

The vaccine GARDASIL, has had shown to prove many risks that is a concern to the health and safety of the citizens of the United States, that no other previous vaccine has displayed.

Merck & Co. Inc. has already had numberous class actions suits from the drug called VIOXX. Showing Merck & Co. Inc. is not reputable to be able to safely supply Americans with a low risk vaccine. Gardasil was not on the market long enough to show ALL possible side effects and risks in aquired time before submitting it into law or an order to mandate such vaccine.

Some incidences include but not limited to: loss of consciousness, seizures and Guillain-Barre Syndrome which cause paralysis.

The Vaccination that has been in question is GARDASIL, by the makes of:

His affiliates includes but are not limited to:

- Merck & Co Whitehouse, NJ
  the New Jersey-based drug company - makers of GARDASIL
- The state’s most powerful lobbyist, Mike Toomey.
- Drug-industry analyst Steve Brozak
- and suspected many more to list.

They claim: The legislation already has the enthusiastic support of the conservative governor but they did bypass Texas legislation.

Merck & Co. have put Texas officials into play for the State of TEXAS to move into office a new law out of the State of Texas to require vaccinations of pre-teen female citizens.  The representatives, of TEXAS are of the State of Texas that are moving for this law.

An Order was declaired Feb. 2, 2007
 Without the U.S. Citizens voice and votes in the matter of concern, robbing the Citizens right to vote on a law that could effect all female citizens of The United States of America without a chance of Freedom of Choice in the future.
 Bypassing Legislation.

Therefore: Raising a brow on the possible breach of our Amendment 14 of Our U.S. Contitution.

But under this law Titled: HPV Vaccination Law, (assumed title) -or- HPV Legislation, Texas is proposing that other U.S. States to move towards accepting a law that is a possible breach in the citizens constitutional rights.

Effecting: Freedom to Religion beliefs and Amendment 14 "Citizenship rights" No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.  

We as citizens did not get a fair vote or even a say on this as a whole under one nation under GOD nor warrant to allow this HPV Vaccine Law to go into effect.  There for:
I feel this action violated our constitutional rights of above and included into aid the State of Texas to do so.  Which clearly points the violation of Amendment 14 of said Rights to U.S. Citizens.

After research, We have concluded this to be a fact.

We ask the house to move to strike the approval of the HPV Vaccine Legislation Law to protect our Parental Rights, our Children of the future, our freedom to religious beliefs and/or practice in religion and grounds of our Constitution as our Fore-Fathers had put into effect and for ALL U.S. Citizens of the future.

Our Goal as Citizens:

To Uphold our Constitution

Attachment to Petition:

 The constructor, Stacey Schuckers, of this petition is not and has not altered any signatures adhered to this document. The constructor of this petition is not's webmaster. The signatures are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 

If the site used to generate this petition adhered signatures that are questionable, the constructor of this petition is not knowledgeable of the act as for is a privately owned Petiton generator site, and Stacey Schuckers, does not have access nor control of the use or type of software this site supports. 

Constructor of Petition made this Petition under the best knowledge and guidance using's website. I, Stacey Schuckers, feels any questions to any signatures on this petition be brought up to 

Accusations towards Stacey Schuckers (myself) or the signees of this petition for any improper signatures, false signatures, any forgery attempts, should go to's concerns and as for our liablility for false signatures is non-exhistant. And we ask for the support of to support the fact.

 We, the undersigned, are not the owner of the signature software used.  If such signature proves to be, then that signature should be directed to solely for further questioning.

As for Stacey Schuckers and signees that sign this petition does not have access to alter the sites ( software ask for the concerned party to be directed to for resolution of the issue, if such questions or issues transpire for proof. If one or more signatures proves to be an owner of site mentioned, we ask to be excluded from the proof of falsification, and ask the questionable party to leave all other signatures VALID allowing petition to stand for the true intention of this petition it is set forth for the purposes stated.
Keeping it free to voice the concerns here in this documented concern or concerns.
Constructor of this petition feels all these signatures are citizens voicing their desire to put this petition into effect.

-Stacey Schuckers

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