Pedigree Cat Breeders are REGISTERED and governed by club and association rules and breeding ethics and complying with the Animal Welfare Act and are responsible breeders with first and foremost a duty of care to their animals and any potential breeding thereof. Registered breeders do NOT sell kittens until the minimum age of 13 weeks - fully vaccinated and some micro chip, they have full pedigree's and registrations. Registered breeders also carry out genetic tests - scans and screens of various types, depending on breed, help eliminate detrimental disease.
Breeders, Owners and Exhibitors are becoming increasingly aware of "Back yard breeders" selling kittens at 8 weeks of age (which are too young) and not vaccinated. Also the advertising of cross bred kittens for high prices, some as high as a full pedigree kitten. Cross bred kittens are moggies - they have no pedigree or registration document. They do not command high prices. These back street breeders are allowed to advertise kittens on various internet websites such as Pets 4 Homes under full pedigree breed categories instead of placing the add correctly under the " Mixed Breed" section.
We as a collective community wish to stop these internet sites allowing the advertising of cross breeds under a pedigree breed category where people are commanding such high prices and stop the financial exploitation of kittens for monetary gain.