Lets off set 1 ton of carbon or more
- by: members of Care 2
- recipient: Any person organization or government who cares about clean air and reduction of air pollution
Everyone must take a step to change the pollution and air quality we currently have.
We all must take steps toward reducing our carbon foot print on the environment. The Governent of Canada has implemented a clean air act that should reduce greenhouse gas emmissions by 45-65 % by 2050. I think the government and everyone else can do better than that. They have implemented short term and medium terms goals too .Look at your current situation and see what you can do to change. Walk instead of driving for 2 minutes, take a bus, reduce use of aerosal chemical sprays, choose energy effecient appliances, industries should look into many renewable forms of energy instead of depending on gas and oil. To the government of Canada look at what the clean air act has accomplished and compare it ot your goals that were set out when the act was established see if this has or can be improved.
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