Protect turtles, sharks, rays and reef! No $1 billion public funding for Adani's coal mine.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most diverse and beautiful natural environments on our planet. We have a duty to protect the reef so that the coral, schools of fish, sharks, rays and turtles who call the Reef home can live on for future generations.
But there is a risk Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull may soon hand over $1 billion of public money to billionaire polluter Gautum Adani, to fund a coal-carting railway line from the Galilee Basin to the Great Barrier Reef coast.
Burning the coal that Adani wants to mine will cause more pollution than any other mine in Australia's history, and it will destroy life on our Reef – already at risk from warming waters.
Public funding should not prop up the profits of big coal companies like Adani, while we pay the cost of losing the Great Barrier Reef forever.
We need to move away from coal and stop this mine to protect our reef and our planet for future generations.
Sign the petition and tell PM Turnbull to provide no public funding for Adani's reef-killing coal mine. It is not public infrastructure. Don't waste public money on it!
Subject: No $1 billion public funding for Adani’s coal mine
Dear Prime Minister Turnbull,
During the election you said there would be no public funding for Adani. Adani's Reef-killing coal mine is not public infrastructure. Don't waste public money on it.
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