In New Jersey, the Township of Hamilton (Mercer County) and Steve Tellefsen, the head of the local Babe Ruth baseball league have given the colony caretakers until June 10, 2015 to clear the property of all cat shelters, feeding stations, and cats.
These cats have been at this same location for 17 years! They are all fixed, vaccinated, monitored and fed daily. At first there wasn't a problem with the cats but now it seems as if everyone wants them dead. These cats are all healthy feral cats. They think, love, and feel pain just as we do. To take their lives is simply cruel and unjust. Please be a voice for these cats - their lives depend on you.
Update #49 years ago
I have wonderful news to report. A meeting was held last evening between Babe Ruth and the care givers of the cat colony and the cats can stay on the property. I want to thank everyone who took the time to sign my petition and who followed this case. I am so overwhelmed by all of the support from all over the world. The caregivers, the kitties are myself are so grateful to each and every one of you. Thank you once again.
Update #39 years ago
Babe Ruth has granted the caregivers another 10 day extension. There was an article in the local newspaper and also one on the news. You can check out my facebook page under Brenda Eberst to view these two items. Please leave positive feedback on both if you can. And please keep sharing and signing this petition. It is not over and we are not giving up yet. Thanks for all of your support.
Update #29 years ago
Thanks for supporting this cause. There are about 20 cats here that still need your help. They live in the woods near the parking lot of the office building. They have lived their whole life here. I am hoping that as the deadline approaches, we will hear some good news. We are not giving up. Please share and sign. My deepest thanks to all of you who have taken the time to help us.
Update #19 years ago
Hello. I want to thank everyone who has signed my petition. As of today, I have no good news to report but we are not giving up. We still need your signatures and your voice to stand up for these cats who do not deserve this fate. Check out my facebook page for other information.