Pledge to Give Green This Holiday Season

The holidays are a time of gathering with friends and family, sharing meals and stories, and giving time and gifts. But too often, the same giving spirit that leads us to treat each other so well also leads to the unnecessary wasting of our natural resources.
This holiday season, let's give and share in a way that not only shows our love of one another, but for the planet as well.
Green Gift Holidays is The Nature Conservancy's special program that encourages good deeds for your friends, family and the environment throughout the holiday season. Will you join us this holiday season as we work to reduce waste, save energy, eat local and give green? It can be easy and fun to find responsible, meaningful holiday gifts - make something, give an experience, donate to a cause or purchase an eco-friendly product.
The Pledge:
This holiday season, I pledge to reduce my waste and save energy by eating local, giving gifts that are green and making more sustainable choices in my daily life.Sign PetitionSign Petition