Hold Delphi Accountable

We are asking Judge Robert Drain to hold the Delphi Corportation accountable to its workers and U.S. taxpayers.

It is time to stop the bleeding of good paying American jobs in the manufacturing industry. We must hold accountable those who would take profits generated by the American consumer and invest them overseas, taking with them jobs that have contributed to our tax base and our American middle class. We also ask that you consider the bargaining agreement, entered into in good faith by the workforce, as fair and binding.

To the Honorable Judge Robert Drain:

We, the undersigned, ask you to give careful consideration to the Delphi Corporation bankruptcy petition. This is an unconscionable attempt to place the burden of bad business decisions on the backs of American workers. The taxpayers, along with thousands of ancillary businesses in the 13 states currently home to Delphi workers, will be adversely affected. Delphi Corporation is attempting to use the court system as a way to discard their American operations as well as their financial and moral obligations.

It is time to stop the bleeding of good paying American jobs in the manufacturing industry. We must hold accountable those who would take profits generated by the American consumer and invest them overseas, taking with them jobs that have contributed to our tax base and our American middle class. We also ask that you consider the bargaining agreement, entered into in good faith by the workforce, as fair and binding.

Therefore, as we stand together in Solidarity, let it be known that your actions in this proceeding have the power to affect not only one company or one workforce, but the very fabric of American Industry. We pray you use your power wisely.

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