Convince RTS developers to release games such as Total war, CoH and other great titles on consoles

  • by: David Honor
  • recipient: Game developers/RTS game developers

Ever played strategy games such as Total war: Napoleon? Ever wondered what would it be like if more RTS games would be developed...on consoles? Imagine,  more Real Time Strategy on consoles such as CoH, TW, AoE. Most companies think that it's not profitable to make such games on the mentioned platforms. Let me think... R.U.S.E. Is a great example. Strategy game developed by Ubisoft on the PC, XBOX and PS3 in 2010. How did R.U.S.E. do? Ubisoft sold just under 1 million copies worldwide! Let's compare that to TW: Shogun 2 which sold 600,000 copies according to SEGA.   

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