Climate action opponents are at it again. Earlier this year, they sent forged letters to members of Congress opposing the House climate bill.
Now, they've stooped to hacking servers and manipulating excerpts from stolen emails to undermine the overwhelming scientific consensus on global warming. Even Sarah Palin is getting in on the act with an error-filled op-ed in The Washington Post.
Enough is enough. We need your help to fight back.
Scores of scientific institutions agree that global warming is a clear and present danger and that we must take action to cut emissions.
Please take action today. Email your members of Congress. Let them know: Hackergate is Bogus. The Climate Crisis is Real.
I am outraged that opponents of climate action are manipulating the contents of stolen emails to confuse and undermine an honest debate about how we solve the climate crisis.
Here are a few FACTS you should keep in mind:
* There is no evidence that any climate data have been tampered with.
* There are at least three other independent institutions, including NASA and NOAA, whose temperature data show similar warming trends.
* Hundreds of independent scientists have been studying the physics of climate science for the last half century and have amassed an overwhelming amount of evidence that human-caused global warming pollution is warming the planet.
* 2000 - 2009 was the warmest decade on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization and NOAA.
* The concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is the highest it's been in at least the last 800,000 years.
* Global carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels increased 20% from 2000 to 2006 and are now more than 8 billion tons of carbon per year.
We also know that every major national academy of sciences, including America's, as well as thousands of scientists involved with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and scores of other scientific institutions agree that global warming is a clear and present danger and that we must take action to cut emissions.
Radical ideologues misrepresenting the contents of stolen emails do not change these basic facts.
[Your comments]
I urge you to oppose these internet-era "Watergate" tactics and to support a strong cap on America's global warming pollution to help solve the climate crisis and unleash our clean energy future.