Protect U.S. coasts from more drilling!

President Obama effectively closed the Atlantic and Arctic coasts to offshore drilling after thunderous resistance from communities, activists, and millions of people like you. Now, Trump is trying to reverse this decision and open up even more waters to fossil fuel companies.
With new offshore drilling comes seismic airgun blasting: The government's own report estimates that as companies search for oil under the Atlantic Ocean, 138,500 whales and other marine mammals will be deafened, injured, or killed by seismic airgun blasts.
This is unacceptable! In order to protect communities and wildlife from the worst effects of climate change, there should be NO new oil and gas drilling off our coasts. More drilling means more severe climate change, more oil spills, and more communities and wildlife under threat. As Trump hands away U.S. coasts to fossil fuel companies, people and the planet will suffer.
Speak out for the coasts! Reach out to your representative today demanding that ALL new offshore drilling be stopped.
Dear decision maker,
In the face of ever-increasing climate change, and in the wake of disasters like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion, I urge you to protect American communities by prohibiting new drilling on any U.S. coasts in the National Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Program for 2019-2024.
In the last few years, millions of Americans - those living on the coasts and inland - have expressed their opposition and concern about offshore drilling. They know that the only way to slow climate change is to reduce our use of fossil fuels. And they know that increased drilling off U.S. coasts will only hasten the dangerous effects of climate change that we are already seeing across the country, including extreme storms, droughts, heat, and floods.
Furthermore, fossil fuel drilling and exploration has the potential to harm coastal communities, such as the Gulf communities who face rising sea levels and continue to be affected by the 2010 BP oil disaster. More than 100 Atlantic coast communities and multiple state governors have formally come out against Atlantic drilling in order to protect livelihoods rooted in tourism, fishing, and other coastal activities. These communities will be affected by the seismic airgun blasting that happens before drilling, and they will be affected by the oil spills that are sure to follow if drilling commences. In the Arctic, remote locations and icy conditions will make oil spill clean-up next to impossible, devastating local Indigenous communities and wildlife. And now Californians are speaking out to protect the rugged coastline and unique wildlife of the Pacific from expanded offshore drilling.
[your comment here]
Please protect our climate and U.S. coasts by leaving fossil fuels in the ground and stopping new drilling prospects off ALL coasts.
[your name]
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