Stop the Trade of Endangered Whales

Greenpeace has learned that Iceland is shipping meat from endangered fin whales through Canada to Japan. The trade in fin whales is banned under an international treaty called the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Call on the Canadian government to stop whale meat trade through our ports.
Iceland and Japan refuse to comply with the ban under CITES, and Canada is acting as an accomplice. German and Dutch ports have already rejected whale meat shipments from Iceland.
Urge the Canadian government to do the same to ensure the only fin whales that come into Canada are wild ones along our coasts.
By signing this pledge, you'll join millions of people dedicated to ending the commercial catch and trade in whales around the world. Your name will be delivered to the responsible Federal Ministers who can take a stand to support real protection of these endangered species and refuse to participate in their trade.
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