Protect Your National Parks from Inappropriate Development

Over 50 years ago, Congress ensured that a small portion of federal receipts from oil and gas leasing off our coasts would be used to protect some of our national parks and other public lands from development. The Land and Water Conservation Fund, or LWCF, remains one of the most successful tools used to protect national parks and other special places.
For example, LWCF prevented the building of sub-developments and a golf course in Golden Gate Recreational Area. It allowed for the successful protection of the new Flight 93 National Memorial. More recently, the program helped protect areas within Grand Teton National Park.
This popular program doesn’t just protect these special places. It also allows for public access and enjoyment … and that helps bolster the recreational and tourism economy, creating four dollars in economic value for every one dollar invested.
Right now, LWCF needs congressional reauthorization to keep this important source of financing available for the National Park Service and other land management agencies. There are currently three bipartisan bills in Congress that would help the program.
Please join NPCA in asking your members of Congress to co-sponsor these bills. Thank you!
Dear [Decision maker],
In 1965, Congress created the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to set aside a small portion of federal receipts from oil and gas leasing in the Outer Continental Shelf to conserve naturally, historically and culturally significant lands. When landowners with properties within national parks want to sell their properties, LWCF allows the National Park Service to buy the parcels at fair market value. This prevents the land from being sold to private developers who could build homes or commercial developments.
LWCF has a successful track record over its 52-year history, preserving land in every state. Rocky Mountain, the Grand Canyon and the Great Smoky Mountains are a few of many national parks that have been benefited from LWCF.
This bipartisan-supported program must be reauthorized in the 115th Congress to ensure reliable long-term continuation of the program. The program should also receive dedicated revenue so that more consistent funding is available to the National Park Service to buy parcels of land from willing sellers. There are currently three bipartisan LWCF bills in Congress that would provide varying levels of support for the program.
[Your Comment Here]
Please support the relevant bill (H.R. 502/S.896) in your chamber that provides permanent reauthorization for the program. For the Senate, please also support S. 569 that provides permanent reauthorization as well as permanent, dedicated annual funding.
Thank you.
[Your name]
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