Ban the Use of Cages for Farmed Rabbits
- by: Compassion in World Farming
- recipient: Agriculture Ministers of the 28 European Union Member States, and all Members of the European Parliament.
More rabbits are kept in cages each year than any other farm animal in the European Union. Of the 330 million rabbits that are reared for meat, almost all are kept in barren cages. They cannot roam, run, hop, choose when to seek companionship and when to be alone. Many cannot even stand upright.
Through the summer of 2014, Compassion in World Farming's Investigations Unit went undercover on 16 separate rabbit farms throughout Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Poland and Cyprus. Time and again, they found unspeakable welfare conditions, the most barren environments imaginable, and hotbeds for disease, dependent on the routine use of antibiotics just to keep animals alive.
Cages are one of the most inexcusable, outdated technologies in factory farming. Please sign the petition to Members of the European Parliament and EU Agriculture Ministers today. Call on them to take action to ban the use of cages for farmed rabbits.
Dear [decision maker],
Make farming rabbits in cages illegal
All rabbits should be able to roam, hop, and to express all their natural behaviours. Cages are cruel and outdated, please introduce legislation that moves rabbit farming out of the ‘Cage Age’ and into the 21st century.
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