Make Orca's Tank Bigger

Lolita is a killer whale at the Miami Seaquarium in FL. She lives in an illegal tank measuring 80x35feet! Lolita is 21feet long and at the tanks deepest point it is only 20feet deep.
Lolita's tankLolita is a killer whale at the Miami Seaquarium in Florida. She was captured from the Pacific Ocean on 08/11/1970. At that time she was about four years old. Now, she is nearly 40. She still lives in the exact same tank that is actually illegal by government standards. It is 35x80 feet and about 20 feet deep at its deepest point. Lolita is about 21 feet long and 7,500 pounds. Is this right? I say no. She performs two shows a day every day of the year, getting little exercise, in the blistering hot Miami sun sometimes over 100 degrees... She has no company other than an inflatable toy whale. Lolita hasn't seen another orca whale since her companion, Hugo, died in 1980. Please sign this petition to make sure the Seaquarium improves Lolita's life by making her tank bigger and adding some stimulation such as rocks to rub on etc. Thanks for signing!
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