Town of Bennington, Vermont, Stop allowing neighbors to terrorize our Horses by launching arsenal of fireworks over our barns and property.
If we loose sight of the fact that
every citizen of a community deserves the same level of protection from their police dept
once police loose sight of that they have failed
particularly when harassment becomes life threatening
On June 20, 2015, Starting around 8 pm, Our neighbor was repeatedly and deliberately aiming and firing his arsenal of Fireworks Over our Hay barn, Over our heads and Our Rescue Horses for Well over an hour.
Our neighbor is well aware that we recently rescued 2 horses and knows that we have other animals that we love dearly. Knowing all this, he deliberately aimed HIS ARSENAL OF ROCKETS ACROSS THE STREET TO OUR PROPERTY, whistling across the sky over our 400 feet deep 700 feet wide property, then made a DEAFENING EXPLOSION, Over Our Buildings, our Animals and our heads! Our Horses bolted and could have injured themselves or us!
My wife rushed to comfort the horses and held them behind a building for their comfort and safety.
While aiming his Rockets over our barn the sparks set fire to the hay that we had to rush and stomp out.
while these same neighbors roared with laughter. ( they were not ooing and ahing over the fireworks, they were LAUGHING.
Fireworks in the wrong hands are definetly a dangerous weapon.
So in good faith, we called Bennington police.
One Officer responded after 1/2 hour to our call, and informed us they had a
permit. And said "they, the (neighbors in question), have no control where the fireworks go, and that there was nothing he would do, that we should talk to fire chief. "
WOW. Scarey.
Furthermore, the Officer threatened to charge my wife for Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace!
Even though we were afraid for all our lives.
We were being reasonable and hoping the officer would do SOMETHING about the rockets continuing to be launched right over our heads.
Apparently, anyone with a fireworks permit can "accidently" destroy any home, pets, or person. With impunity.
It is the Police Sworn Duty to Protect the Life and Property of the community that he or she serves.
Not to arrest the ELDERLY HANDICAPPED VICTIMS for being upset when their Lives and pets and property are CLEARLY in danger!
The Officer should have confiscated the arsenal, because they were being used in a manner inconsistant with its labeling, and inconsistant with any permits or fireworks laws! Neighbors did NOT have a permit to use MY HORSE PROPERTY as a FIREWORKS Display!
The next day i spoke to the fire chief who granted nbr permit and described the scene, , fire chief said well what do ya want me to do? i said talk to the neighbor, revoke his permit and dont EVER issue another one to our neighbors. he said i cant do that and wont do that.
We have Other Neighbors who were disturbed, who drove to his house to ask him to stop, But neighbor with the arsenal just laughed .
If fireworks were exploding from any neighbors over the police dept, you can be sure a swat team would stop it quickly! As they should!
This is why we ask, that the Town on Bennington, out of safety for its citizens and pets, immediatly forthwith adopt a bylaw that fireworks and explosives including firecrackers not be allowed to be used within 500 feet of any dwelling od building. Bennington has the same bylaw for target shooting, Lets not wait until a terrible accident occurs ! AFTER ALL IT IS COMMON SENSE.
Town of Bennington, Vermont, Stop allowing neighbors to terrorize our Horses by launching arsenal of fireworks over our barns and property.
If we loose sight of the fact that
every citizen of a community deserves the same level of protection from their police dept
once police loose sight of that they have failed
particularly when harassment becomes life threatening
On June 20, 2015, Starting around 8 pm, Our neighbor was repeatedly and deliberately aiming and firing his arsenal of Fireworks Over our Hay barn, Over our heads and Our Rescue Horses for Well over an hour.
Our neighbor is well aware that we recently rescued 2 horses and knows that we have other animals that we love dearly. Knowing all this, he deliberately aimed HIS ARSENAL OF ROCKETS ACROSS THE STREET TO OUR PROPERTY, whistling across the sky over our 400 feet deep 700 feet wide property, then made a DEAFENING EXPLOSION, Over Our Buildings, our Animals and our heads! Our Horses bolted and could have injured themselves or us!
My wife rushed to comfort the horses and held them behind a building for their comfort and safety.
While aiming his Rockets over our barn the sparks set fire to the hay that we had to rush and stomp out.
while these same neighbors roared with laughter. ( they were not ooing and ahing over the fireworks, they were LAUGHING.
Fireworks in the wrong hands are definetly a dangerous weapon.
So in good faith, we called Bennington police.
One Officer responded after 1/2 hour to our call, and informed us they had a
permit. And said "they, the (neighbors in question), have no control where the fireworks go, and that there was nothing he would do, that we should talk to fire chief. "
WOW. Scarey.
Furthermore, the Officer threatened to charge my wife for Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace!
Even though we were afraid for all our lives.
We were being reasonable and hoping the officer would do SOMETHING about the rockets continuing to be launched right over our heads.
Apparently, anyone with a fireworks permit can "accidently" destroy any home, pets, or person. With impunity.
It is the Police Sworn Duty to Protect the Life and Property of the community that he or she serves.
Not to arrest the ELDERLY HANDICAPPED VICTIMS for being upset when their Lives and pets and property are CLEARLY in danger!
The Officer should have confiscated the arsenal, because they were being used in a manner inconsistant with its labeling, and inconsistant with any permits or fireworks laws! Neighbors did NOT have a permit to use MY HORSE PROPERTY as a FIREWORKS Display!
The next day i spoke to the fire chief who granted nbr permit and described the scene, , fire chief said well what do ya want me to do? i said talk to the neighbor, revoke his permit and dont EVER issue another one to our neighbors. he said i cant do that and wont do that.
We have Other Neighbors who were disturbed, who drove to his house to ask him to stop, But neighbor with the arsenal just laughed .
If fireworks were exploding from any neighbors over the police dept, you can be sure a swat team would stop it quickly! As they should!
This is why we ask, that the Town on Bennington, out of safety for its citizens and pets, immediatly forthwith adopt a bylaw that fireworks and explosives including firecrackers not be allowed to be used within 500 feet of any dwelling od building. Bennington has the same bylaw for target shooting, Lets not wait until a terrible accident occurs ! AFTER ALL IT IS COMMON SENSE.
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