Protect the critically endangered Maui's dolphin

New Zealand's critically endangered Maui's dolphin is the world's smallest dolphin and it’s on the brink of extinction. The most recent population estimate indicates that only about 55 adult dolphins remain.
Oil exploration and drilling are two of the greatest threats to the Maui's dolphin. Despite this, the New Zealand Government has recently issued new oil permits right inside the Marine Mammal Sanctuary where Maui's dolphins live. Seismic testing for oil drilling is already underway.
Sign this petition now to demand that the New Zealand Government gives the Maui's dolphin proper protection from threats including oil exploration activities -- especially seismic testing.
Seismic testing is a technique used to look for oil beneath the seabed. Air guns blast out a pressure wave which penetrates the seafloor. This relentless seismic noise can happen for weeks on end and is potentially harmful to dolphins and other marine mammals that rely on echolocation for communication, navigation, nurturing young, and finding food.
If drilling goes ahead and there is a deep sea blow-out in the waters adjacent to Maui's habitat, the potential oil spill could mean the end for these rare little dolphins.
International pressure could make the difference for this critically endangered species. Please join us in urging the New Zealand Government to give proper protection to the Maui's dolphin.
To Whom it May Concern:
I urge the New Zealand Government to give proper protection to the critically endangered Maui's dolphin by:
1. Extending their marine mammal sanctuary refuge to cover the dolphin's full habitat range;
2. Banning net fishing, seabed mining, petroleum exploration and drilling from within the sanctuary;
3. Banning seismic testing from within 20 nautical miles of the sanctuary's boundary.
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