Caged Hens Can't Wait Until 2025. Pledge To Buy Certified Cage-Free Eggs Today.

Ninety-five per cent of Canada's hens are housed on conventional egg farms where they spend their entire lives in small, cramped cages. Each hen has only as much space as a sheet of paper!
These hens suffer from overcrowding, extreme frustration, and brittle bones from their confined lives in these small, barren cages.
Only five per cent of Canada’s hens are cage free birds. These hens have space to roam around and can behave naturally: stretch their wings, roost and perch, nest, forage for food, and give themselves a dust bath.
The Retail Council of Canada (representing all of Canada's major grocery retailers) has committed to stocking only cage-free eggs by 2025. Consumers like you, who support cage-free egg farmers, will determine how fast this transition to cage-free occurs.
Help more hens live cage-free now – show your support for cage-free farmers and pledge to buy only cage-free eggs certified to high standards!
Sign the pledge to buy certified cage-free eggs today and show Canada's farmers and grocery stores that you support them moving quickly on their cage-free initiative!
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