When a vet can drop the asked fee by 50% when questioned and they are still making money/they can jack up the price for a simple teeth trimming from £5 to £15, they don't have to apologize, when they are sticking needles in people's hands and the vet speaks such poor English they don't understand when this is pointed out to them, they repeatedly screw up and refuse to listen to people when they take an animal in for care or turn a stray away because they are so greedy, they need to be monitored and every animal charity should be signing this petition and every animal owner. This picture is Biffin, a stray, that vets refused to treat unless they were first paid a £70 call out. I rang the RSPCA who told me to take him to a nearby vet's. The next day he had still not been picked up or treated, when I called the RSPCA who dumped it on me to complain about the vet, the cat at this time was in their care, not mine, so I said I would call the press and within 10 mins they had called the vet and cleared treatment. Cat's protection refused to help with this cat. For the person that moaned about being a vet, I have insurance, they have just refused to pay a £208 bill ecause the vet has charged £37 more for the same test they did a couple of months ago. It is now cheaper for me to not have insurance as that is a rip off as well. Everytime I go to the vet's it is like looking into a fruit machine with pound signs all over it. I tried to get a vet to do a payment plan for a lady with mental health issues and she is on benefits, they all refused. People' circumstances change, mine did when I got cancer and had to try to live on sickness benefit's, I already had all my animals am I supposed to have them put to sleep or give them away, some people obviously need a reality check, look at the car your vet drives and tell me how poor they are. I still take in strays, provide cat litter, food, bedding, run up and down in my car voluntarily because I believe in giving back, I don't see any vet's in my area do that at all.