These 5 dogs deserve new loving homes and NO animal should ever have to see the neglect and cruelty this family has imposed upon them !

  • by: Amad I
  • recipient: The Owners and all those who treat pets in such an inhumane way !
These 5 Pups were discovered in cages outside in water up to 4 to 5 feet deep by the channel 8 news crew after hurricane Irma. The family evacuated leaving them behind mercilessly to suffer and die in cages ! One pup was seeking refuge on the picnic table while the rest were struggling on barrels inside cages literally crying for help ! They were fighting for their lives before we eventually rescued the animals as at first we were told that nothing can be done for another 24 hours without the owners consent . No monster should be allowed to have animals they cannot take care of let alone leave them for days through a life threatening hurricane in cages to die . I rushed to the scene after seeing it on the local TV channel and I DEMAND that these pups never go through this inhumane experience ever again and these people are prosecuted and are not allowed to own a pet for them to torture it like this ever again ! You can watch the rescue live at this link and on the WFLA News Channel 8 website.!
Update #17 years ago
Thank you for those of you who signed and supported these pups just in case. I went to Polk County animal control center and the owner has a criminal case opening against him . The 5 pups will NOT be returning to their despicable owners by LAW and will hopefully be adopted out to good families that will give them the happiest of lives from this point of their lives. As of right now they are not adoptable and will be in the safety of the Animal control services
Please pray for these pure souls
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