Don't let the Government overturn Lancashire's fracking win
Lancashire Council listened to the people and voted for fracking company Cuadrilla to get out. Twice.
This is fantastic. But the fight is not over. Cuadrilla has appealed to the Government to overturn the Council's decision.
What's more, the Government has now changed the rules so that they can override local democracy on fracking decisions from here on.
It is absolutely right that fracking decisions - and all associated risks, to our health and our local environments - should rest with local councils and local people. Just as it did in Lancashire.
But this rule change means that the Government can force fracking on any councils that they see as 'problems' or as taking too long.
This is outrageous. If fracking is forced on Lancashire it could be forced on all of us.
Please ask David Cameron to respect Lancashire's democratic decision and keep the UK frack free.
Dear David Cameron,
You said communities would have a voice in whether fracking would happen near them. People in Lancashire, and now their representatives in the Council, have clearly rejected fracking.
[Your comments here]
If fracking corporation Cuadrilla appeals, please do not allow your Government to intervene against local democracy and overturn Lancashire's decision.
[Your name here]
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