Urgent Action: Stop New Oil Drilling In The Arctic!

No one wants contaminated seafood, smoggy air, oiled animals or spoiled coastlines. To avoid these disasters and the worst effects of climate change, we must not open our public waters to more oil drilling.
Yet, the Trump administration is pushing forward with plans to hand public waters over to the oil industry.
Every five years, the U.S. Department of the Interior issues a plan outlining where oil and gas companies can purchase leases for offshore drilling. The most recent five-year plan excluded new oil and gas leasing in the Arctic waters offshore of Alaska. But now, the Trump administration is attempting to write a new plan, which could result in new leasing in the Arctic.
Speak up against new lease sales in areas off our coasts, including the Arctic Ocean before August 17!
New leasing in places like the Arctic Ocean will inevitably lead to a spill if drilling occurs, one that is impossible to clean up in the rough and icy conditions. It would also threaten the marine mammals, seabirds, migratory paths, and other sensitive habitats in the Arctic.
Opening America's coasts to offshore leasing ignores the will of our coastal communities and the millions of Americans who have already voiced their opposition to offshore drilling. America's publicly owned waters should be conserved and protected, not turned over to the oil industry.
The comment period ends August 17, so please speak up today!
Secretary Zinke,
Opening America's coasts to offshore leasing ignores the will of our coastal communities and the millions of Americans who have voiced their opposition to offshore drilling. America's publicly owned waters should be conserved and protected, not turned over to the oil industry. Do not allow new lease sales in areas off our coasts, including the Arctic Ocean.
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