Atlanta Protects Trees mission is to help preserve more existing trees during development process, and to educate Atlanta metro area residents and decision-makers about the importance of our trees and Atlanta’s globally unique forest.
Atlanta, GA contains a globally unique urban forest that is now at rick of being severely compromised or lost, if the latest trends in land clearing continue. Too many large healthy- trees are being cut daily for larger homes on smaller lots in a new wave of development that is environmentally unsustainable for our region.
*Existing trees help Atlanta in so many different ways, and though replanting is important, young replants cannot replace our older urban forest trees within even our grandchildren’s lifetimes.
*Trees defend against Atlanta’s dangerous “heat island effect” which is already changing weather systems in Georgia.
*Trees clean our air and help us breathe better.
-One large overstay tree provides oxygen for two people.
*Trees provide important physical and mental health benefits.
*Trees filter and clean water.
*Trees and healthy urban forest soils prevent erosion from stormwater.
*Trees reduce utility costs to homeowners and City/County governments.
*Trees provide food and shelter for thousands of native species, including protected songbirds.
*Trees provide screening buffers and reduce noise pollution.
*Trees are the backbone of our “green infrastructure”.
*Trees are beautiful, and landscapes with more trees reduce crime, improve property values, reduce stress and make us happier.
*Healthy, mature existing trees are a fundamental part of our quality of life in metro -Atlanta.
You have the power to create change. Help us keep our trees in Atlanta and our metro-area cities and counties.