For centuries Wildlife has had a habit of keeping wildlife down themselves and it's only thanks to the Government. Building on large acres of Land in England to the increased and increasing population. The Foxes have become more Urban and have ended up in the inner cities With More and more more Restaurants, Many other food outlets etc opening up trade is at an all time high.We seem to forget till it is published in the media ( rarely on Social media sometimes , when it is too late) diferent areas of England are effected culling takes place a nerve gas/ poisonous toxins that are unnecessary even poisons are used and not only for foxes but other wildlife again unnecessary.
Human kindness needs to be put back into place. as dogs, cats other wildlife have been and are effected (hitting the owners/ landowners purse strings) have been poisoned we also need to get rid / take away traps set for animals out of the fields for it to be safer for all wildlife , Rabbit's and Badger's and Foxes field mice, hawks, kestrels, falcon's etc to stay safe in the wild and not on the Mantal Piece.
Please help us to win this continous fight to protect the Wildlife from becoming extinct ... year by year numers are falling through man's greed hatred/ blood sports which are becoming unnecessary and out dated . It is man's greed and huge populations that animals such as the foxes owls, certain birds are on our door step we are taking the gorgeous countryside away from natural habitats. I's high time we look after our wildlife we have to learn and protect our wonderful wildlife . Before Man get's rid of it and it is gone for good. We have to get the communities and find away of really looking after what we have another instance to keep speeds down a lot of country wildlife are RTA Motorists are warned over certain wildlife but are still speeding unneccesary. it will be a sad world if wildlife became extinct all animals big or small have there own duties from the smallest worms in the soils, to the bigger animals . please sign and help not only protect Foxes , but badger's shrews just putting back the natural habbits back we could see the difference show we actually care show we love our wildlife and that we are grateful that they are here and want them to stay. On Behalf of all the Wildlife Thank you for caring and caring about your country side even marshes etc. best way is to re educate in school from young to secondary to colleges then universities