Help Protect North Carolina's Red Wolves

Red wolves were once widespread across the Southeast but are now limited to just a single, reintroduced population of about 100 wolves in North Carolina.
And North Carolina's red wolves are still threatened by illegal shootings and politically powerful interests that want them gone. But this small population could soon get a big boost from a proposal by the state's Wildlife Resources Commission.
Under the proposal, North Carolina will finally protect red wolves under the state's endangered species act. And, because dispersing wolves are often shot on accident by hunters who mistake them for coyotes, the proposed plan is to ban coyote hunting at night in red wolf recovery areas. The new rules would seek to reduce hunting mistakes by more strictly regulating some forms of hunting and prohibiting coyote-killing contests in places designated for red wolf recovery.
Take action today — urge the commission to pass these desperately needed rules and help recover red wolves beyond this single small, struggling population.
Subject: Amendments Affecting Coyote Hunting and Red Wolves
Dear [Decision maker],
I support red wolves and am in favor of the proposed temporary and permanent rules to prohibit coyote hunting in the five-county Red Wolf Recovery Area in northeastern North Carolina. I am also in favor of listing the red wolf as a threatened species in the state.
[Your comments here]
Please -- do everything in your power to prevent unnecessary wolf deaths and recover this beautiful species across the Southeast.
[Your name]
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