Help Keep Snowmobiles Out of Yellowstone

Thanks to the tireless efforts of activists around the country, both the public and Congress recognize the devastating impacts snowmobiles have in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. Unfortunately the battle is not yet over.

It has been more than two years since the Bush administration told us that they intended to "reexamine" the original Park Service study and decision to replace noisy, polluting snowmobiles with park-friendly, multi-passenger snowcoaches. Now the new rule will continue to allow snowmobile use in Yellowstone, and we need your voice in this final public comment period.

During the public comment period for the Bush draft supplemental environmental impact statement, more than 360,000 people commented and 80% of those comments supported the original plan to ban snowmobiles. Congress heard these voices. An amendment to ban snowmobiles from Yellowstone in the House lost by virtue of a tie (210-210) including 25 Republican votes.

We need to demand protection for our first national park! By signing the petition below, an official comment will be sent to the Park Service on your behalf.

The Planning Office, Yellowstone National Park
P.O. Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 82190

I am writing to oppose the Park Service's new draft rule on winter use that allows snowmobile use to continue in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. This misguided rule will destroy the experiences I expect to find in two of America's premier parks.

Allowing snowmobiles does not provide the best available protection for the parks' air, wildlife, soundscapes, visitors, and staff. The Park Service's own environmental impact statements have shown, more than once, that the best way to protect Yellowstone and Grand Teton is to ban snowmobile use and promote visitor access via multi-passenger snowcoach. Your agency has also stated that park resources, visitor experience and public health are in jeopardy if snowmobile use continues in Yellowstone.

One of the reasons the Bush administration re-opened the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Winter Use issue was to solicit more input from the public. I am sending this comment because I care about Yellowstone and think the Park Service's proposed rule will harm the future of the National Park System.

The Organic Act directs your agency to:

"conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."

The snowmobile rule clearly impairs park resources and visitor experience. Therefore, the snowmobile rule is illegal and should be withdrawn. Please consider the public's desire to see these parks protected for all of us, not just a few.
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