Petition to help protect the Great Bear Rainforest

The Great Bear Rainforests needs your protection. Please encourage the Government of BC to work to protect the them from logging.
The Great Bear Rainforest, which is the largest intact coastal rainforest left on earth remains largely unprotected.
There is now a proposed solution, agreed to by industry, environmental groups and communities.
The time has come for the government of British Columbia to protect one third of the region from logging, as has been proposed, and create a new approach to the management of this great and irreplaceable resource.

We urge you to ratify the Great Bear Rainforest concensus solutions that were negotiated with the First Nations.
These agreements are the result of tireless negotiations over many years, which involved diverse groups and stakeholders.
The agreements require action from you in three areas, noteably:

*Formal and permanent protection from logging for one third of the region.
*Implementation of an ecosystem based management.
*Matching contributed funds to diversify local economies and broaden businesses in this area.

Please assure us that the government is taking steps to put these protections in place for the safety of this most rare and endangered forest.

Paper futures of the Great Bear Rainforest show great hope, however, if the government does not take action before September of this year, these proposed solutions may begin to unravel, and those parties who took part in this great negotiation may refuse to speak again, leaving the future of this forest bright only on paper.
Please seize this opportunity and take concrete steps now to assure that the coastal communities reliant upon this forest, the grizzly bear and salmon, and the giant cedar trees remain as living testaments to your efforts.

Sincerely, The undersigned.
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