We've seen no shortage of Congressional and administrative attacks lately on our wildlife, lands, water and air.
Since taking office, President Trump has been unapologetic about his intentions to sell out our precious lands, waters and wildlife to Big Oil - from the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, to the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, to our national monuments and marine sanctuaries.
The Trump administration and Congress are on a path of record-setting destruction when it comes to our wildlife and wild places.
Help Defenders fight to stop these disastrous rollbacks and let President Trump know that we will not back down or stay silent while he attempts to dismantle environmental protections!
Please let your voice be heard today!
Dear President Trump,
Subject: We won't back down from protecting our environment
I am outraged by your latest attacks on the environment.
Climate change is the single largest threat facing our country and the planet, with vast implications for our health and communities, and wildlife and their habitat. Though the threat has been well understood for decades, the Obama administration was the first to make real progress to mitigate climate change by reducing emissions and developing strategies to prepare for and reduce the impacts of climate change already underway.
Now, with your latest Executive Order you are turning back the clock on almost all of that, all but guaranteeing that we will face more climate disasters, and be less able to cope with them.
You were elected to protect and represent the American people, not big Oil and fossil fuel companies. It's time that you listen to the majority of Americans.
If you continue on this path, this disastrous directive will mark a dark time in our history and the history of life on this planet if we are not able to offset its dangerous, short-sighted and self-interested priorities. The climate is warming, our actions are accelerating that warming, and if we abandon climate action, we will put ourselves on a collision course with destruction.
I support Defenders of Wildlife in taking strong and swift against these terrible policies. I stand ready to continue to fight back against any move your administration makes that hinders progress in combating climate change, disregards science and undermines the ability of the government to do its job by protecting the health and safety of our environment.
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